YUCHAI Generator

  • YUCHAI Generator
  • YUCHAI Generator
  • YUCHAI Generator
  • YUCHAI Generator
  • YUCHAI Generator
  • YUCHAI Generator

YUCHAI Generator

Fitur daya yang cukup, efisiensi bahan bakar yang sangat baik, getaran dan emisi rendah, keandalan tinggi, desain kompak, ringan.

Power range: 20KW-2200KW Yuchai generator set is small, light, easy to operate and maintain as a backup power or main power supply, in mines, railways, field sites, road traffic maintenance, as well as factories, enterprises, banks, residential areas, etc. Yuchai diesel generator set overall high cost performance, well received by customers.

1. All the supporting power of Yuchai generator set products are diesel engines produced by Yuchai; Supporting motor are brand manufacturer products;
2. Digital control system; According to the different needs of users, we can provide different functions of remote computer remote control, group control, telemetry, automatic parallel operation, automatic fault protection and other products.
3. Strong power, under the altitude of 1000m can output nameplate rated power, and can output 110% of rated power in less than 1 hour;
4. Fuel consumption rate and lubricating oil consumption rate are lower than similar domestic products;
5. Low vibration noise and high reliability;
6. Low emissions, in line with national environmental protection requirements;
7. Product quality meets or exceeds the relevant national standards.
Nomor produk HL200GF HL300GF HL640GF HL800GF HL1000GF
Kelompokkan menurut jenis produk Generator Yuchai Generator Yuchai Generator Yuchai Generator Yuchai Generator Yuchai
Masa garansi 1 tahun atau 1000 jam berjalan 1 tahun atau 1000 jam berjalan 1 tahun atau 1000 jam berjalan 1 tahun atau 1000 jam berjalan 1 tahun atau 1000 jam berjalan
Bersertifikat CE dan ISO CE dan ISO CE dan ISO CE dan ISO CE dan ISO
Negara asal Cina Cina Cina Cina Cina
Propinsi Shandong Shandong Shandong Shandong Shandong
Merek Shanhua Shanhua Shanhua Shanhua Shanhua
Pola HL200GF HL300GF HL640GF HL800GF HL1000GF
Nilai tegangan 400V / 230V 400V / 230V 400V / 230V 400V / 230V 400V / 230V
Nilai saat ini 360A 540A 1170A 1440A 1800A
Kecepatan putar 1500RMP 1500RMP 1500RMP 1500RMP 1500RMP
Frekuensi 50HZ 50HZ 50HZ 50HZ 50HZ
Berat 2110kg 2650kg 7500kg 8600kg 9200kg
Fase 3 3 3 3 3
Berat referensi (Kg) 2110kg 2650kg 7500kg 8600 9200kg
Ukuran referensi (P × W × H) 2900*1150*1585 3370*1280*1740 4540*1720*2360 4760*1800*2500 5450*2070*2530
Model mesin YC6MK350-D30 YC6MJ480L-D20 YC6C1070-D31 YC6C1220-D31 YC6C1520-D31
Daya terkait mesin (kw) 235 321 715 815 1016
Daya siaga engine (kw) 258.5 352 787 897 1118
Fitur struktural mesin Empat langkah, turbocharged Empat langkah, turbocharged Empat langkah, turbocharged Empat-tak, Turbo Charging dengan Inter-cooling Empat-tak, Turbo Charging dengan Inter-cooling
Silinder / pengaturan 6 silinder/In-line 6 silinder/In-line 6 silinder/In-line 6 silinder/In-line 6 silinder/In-line
Lubang × stroke (mm) 123×145 131×145 200×210 200×210 200×210
Perpindahan(L) 10.338 11.76 39.584 39.584 39.584